Looking for more grammar and writing support? We’ve got you covered. These features integrate grammar concepts within engaging stories and articles. Then, students can apply those grammatical concepts in the context of their own writing.
Grammar and Writing Support for Your Students!
✓ Write Like a Pro
Write Like a Pro is a simple way to teach grammar in the context of writing—without eating up oodles of precious class time. This short feature models one element of great writing, such as using transitions, or using colons that students can observe and analyze. Then students are challenged to apply that concept in a fun writing task.
✓ Expanded Grammar activities
Grammar features focus commonly confused words and grammar concepts, such as subject-verb agreement and forming plural and plural possessive nouns.
✓ Grammar in Lesson Plans
Every Grammar and Write Like a Pro article (and every other feature as well!) includes a lesson plan. You'll find them in the Lesson Plan tab of the story page. These lesson plans outline how to use the feature, direct you to printable and projectable resources (such as anchor charts, activities, and Do-Nows), and offer creative ways for students to practice using the grammar skill in the context of their own writing. You'll find "Writing Spotlights" in our other major features' lesson plans, such as author Jason Reynolds' use of second-person point of view.